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Diabetes: True or False Quiz

  1. People with diabetes should inspect their feet daily. (True) 

    People with diabetes can develop numbness in their feet that they are unaware of. When the feet are numb, the patient can have injuries that go undetected which could develop into serious problems unless daily foot inspections are performed. Early diagnosis greatly improves the chances of successful treatment.

  2. It is okay to go barefoot if you have diabetes. (False) 

    People who have diabetes may also suffer from a condition called neuropathy, which is evident in a loss of sensation in the feet. Patients suffering from diabetes should not go barefoot because it could lead to injuries such as stepping on a piece of glass or getting a splinter. This trauma could lead to infection, trauma and even amputation.

  3. Toenails should always be cut straight across. (True) 

    The corners of toenails should be visible after cutting or trimming. Over trimming of toenail, especially at the corner of the nail, may lead to a condition called ingrown toenail. In diabetes, especially for those who suffer from diabetic-related foot complications, for example peripheral arterial disease, this condition may cause non-healing wounds or even limb amputation.

  4. It’s fine to remove calluses, corns and warts by yourself. (False) 

    Poor vision, lack of sensation in the feet, inability to reach the area, and using the wrong tools are all reasons why you should not try to remove calluses, corns or warts by yourself. Also, over-the-counter medicines may contain acids that are harmful for your feet. Read all instruction labels carefully and have all removals done by a podiatrist.

  5. You should be properly measured and fitted each time you buy a new pair of shoes. (True) 

    Foot size can change over lifetime, and it would be detrimental to wear a shoe that is too small. People quite often wear the wrong size, which can lead to injury and cause circulation problems. It is best to be fitted in the afternoon when feet are at their largest.

  6. All people with diabetes will have a lower extremity amputation. (False)

    Proper foot care, increased self awareness of the foot, early or at least once a year foot examinations by a podiatrist and good compliance on diabetic control and medication can help to reduce the risk of lower limb amputation.

  7. Only people who use insulin suffer from foot complications related to diabetes. (False) 

    All people with diabetes need to be aware of the foot complications that are associated with diabetes. Patients who have poor diabetic control will have a higher chance of developing diabetic-related lower limb complications, for example, peripheral neuropathy, peripheral arterial disease and skin infection.

  8. Controlling your blood sugar level will lessen your chance of foot complications. (True) 

    A study by the Diabetic Control Complications Trial has shown that strict control of blood sugars will decrease the risk of foot complications. Increased blood sugar levels lead to higher risk of infections and other complications for people with diabetes.

  9. Diabetes can be cured. (False) 

    While there is no cure yet for diabetes, there are many ways to control the disease through medications and lead a normal life. People with diabetes should have their feet checked at least one a year by a podiatrist to ensure that they aren’t at risk for amputation.

  10. A small wound on the foot is just a trivial matter, no special care is needed in diabetes. (False)

    There is no “trivial” wound in people suffering from diabetes. Clinically, many severe diabetic foot ulcers are caused by minor foot trauma and skin abrasion. Proper wound dressing, regular self monitoring and early consultation with your podiatrist if the wound is not healing or the skin becomes red or swelling is important in diabetic foot care.

  11. A blister formed after wearing a new pair of shoes is normal as the sales clerk told me that a new pair of shoes needs to be broken in before they are comfortable? (False)

    There is no such a thing as a “break in period“ in footwear. Especially in diabetic foot care, a good and well-fitted shoe is very important. Actually a lot of minor trauma in the foot is caused by ill-fitting footwear. All foot wear should fit and feel comfortable when you wear it.