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Travel Tips

Travel of any kind (plane, train, automobile) usually requires some extra walking and sitting. Keep these tips in mind for more comfortable travel.

  • If you are experiencing any pain, problems or discomfort with your feet or ankles, visit a podiatrist. Foot pain is not normal, and should be looked at before travelling anywhere.
  • To condition your feet and legs, begin a walking program at least four weeks before your trip. Wear the shoes you intend to travel with and include inclines in your walks if you destination includes hilly terrain.
  • Review your travel itinerary and activities to determine the types of shoes you should pack.
  • Take a couple of pairs of supportive, comfortable shoes and plenty of comfortable socks so they can be changed frequently. Try not to take shoes that have never been worn. On overseas flight compression stockings may be indicated.
  • When travelling, periodically flex your feet at the ankles and wiggle your toes. Unlace your shoes if your feet swell. Keep your legs uncrossed and move around if possible (especially during airline travel, get up and move around for each hour you are on the plane).
  • Be prepared for minor foot problems - pack adhesive bandages, talcum powder, antibiotic or first-aid cream, tweezers and nail clippers in your toiletry bag.
  • If you injure your foot or ankle during your travels, seek professional advice from a podiatrist. People often incorrectly assume that if a toe is broken it doesn't require immediate attention. Use the internet to contact an FIP podiatrist where you are located (
  • Limit walking barefoot to safe sandy beaches or pool areas. Walking barefoot exposes your feet to sunburn as well as plantar warts, viruses, athlete's foot and other infections.
  • In sunny weather, regularly apply sunscreen to the tops of your feet.
  • Treat your feet well after a long day of sightseeing, shopping or hiking - massage them and keep them elevated.
